Estimated Delivery Time
Our estimated delivery dates are based on several factors, including the destination address, the shipping options you've chosen, and how quickly we can assemble and prepare your items for shipment. You can calculate delivery estimates by taking the processing time for your order and adding the transit time based on the shipping method you've chosen.
How can enjoy free shipping policy?
Free shipping on orders over USD $79. Both shipping costs and shipping method should be subject to what is stated on Payment Page, and this may vary for different delivery destinations
How soon will I receive my package after my order placed?
There are two key factors that will decide when you will receive your package.
- Item Processing Time: The processing time is the time it takes for the seller to prepare the item(s) for shipment. There are different processing times for different items depending on product category and volume. Usually it is around 3to 5 working days to process.
2. Shipping Method: Delivery time varies with shipping method. Time in transit varies depending on where you're located and where your package is coming from.
(We will try our best to prepare the item ASAP after you place an order on our website)
You don't need to worry about your order. It would usually arrive on time unless there are unpredictable factors (bad weather etc.) which cause delay. We do appreciate your understanding in this matter.